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ANSI Approves Revised RESNET/International Code Council Standard 301-2014

Feb 16, 2016

RESNET has posted the revised publication of ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301-2014, Standard for the Calculation and Labeling of the Energy Performance of Low-Rise Residential Buildings using an Energy Rating Index. The standard was developed  through the ANSI accredited RESNET  Standard Development Process.

The main changes to the revised and republished January 15, 2016 version of the standard are:

  • The International Code Council (ICC) Included as a Joint Sponsor of the Standard – Shortly after the release of the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) which introduced the new Energy Rating Index option, ICC and RESNET entered into discussions.  Both organizations agreed that a standard developed through a nationally recognized consensus process such as ANSI would be beneficial to code officials and others seeking guidance in the application of the Energy Rating Index Compliance Alternative contained in Section R 406 of the IECC.
  • Change the References from “HERS” to “Energy Rating” in the Title and Throughout the Standard and Addenda to Avoid the Misconception the Standard Applies Exclusively to RESNET’s Home Energy Rating System – While RESNET’s acceptance and implementation of the Standard provides direction for HERS® Raters, the Standard is an American National Standard, not a proprietary industry standard.  Any organization can use the standard to develop a program that can produce Energy Rating Index scores.  One of the conditions of the ICC being a joint sponsor of the standard was that it would not prescribe a proprietary agency for quality control or testing as stated in ICC’s Council Policy which governs its Code Development Process.  The revised ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301 reflects this.
  • Changes to Move Informative Language Imbedded in Normative Requirements to Informative Footnotes
  • Change to Replace References to “RESNET” with “Approved Innovative Design Request (IDR) Review Authority”
  • Change “HERS” to “Energy Rating”
  • Remove References to the RESNET Standards Development Committee 300 and the RESNET Standard Management Board

These changes open up the option to allow organizations to prove to code officials that their Energy Rating Index code compliance for the 2015 IECC program meets the American consensus standard.  The standard is not restricted to only RESNET HERS® Ratings.

The RESNET national HERS® standards have already been modified to comply with the ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301.  This means that HERS® Ratings can be used to calculate Energy Rating Index Scores under the 2015 IECC.

To download the revised standard go to ANSI/RESNET/ICC Standard 301