On March 15, 2013 the RESNET Board of Directors adopted the amendment of Sections 806 to 808 of RESNET gas leakage testing standards. The adopted amendment is contained in the Addendum 2 of the RESNET National Mortgage Industry Standards. The revision can be downloaded at RESNET Gas Leakage Testing Standard. The effective date for the amendment was May 15, 2013. Since the amendment was adopted a number of areas have been proposed to amend the standard. RESNET standards are on a continuous maintenance basis. It is intended that a RESNET Measurement and Verification Subcommittee under the RESNET Standards Development Committee (SDC) be formed. The subcommittee will be responsible for proposing an amended standard. Prior to undergoing a formal standard amendment process RESNET is seeking public input on the changes that are required. Issues identified in this input process will serve as the scope of the subcommittee’s amendment development process. Interested persons are invited to propose changes to the standard. Please send input to Steve Baden at sbaden@resnet.us by May 24, 2013. Input must include the following information: Name of person proposing change Section of standard proposed to be changed Proposed change in strike out/ underline format Justification for change In light of these developments The RESNET Board has moved the effective date of the amendment to May 15, 2014. This will allow the RESNET SDC process to be completed.