The meetings and events landscape continues to change in 2022. To align RESNET’s mission and goals with the needs and expectations of our valued RESNET members, the RESNET team considered and reevaluated our event strategy. From the success of the 2022 Annual Building Performance Conference, the RESNET team has come up with an innovative approach to serve our members and stakeholders. In 2022, the RESNET Board of Directors adopted as a priority of the organization to “Build cohesion in the HERS® industry through the annual RESNET Building Performance Conference.” To do so, the national RESNET Conference needs to be affordable and accessible to as many in the industry as possible which can be achieved via a virtual option. The RESNET Conference team has decided on the following path forward for future events: RESNET’s Annual Building Performance Conference will permanently move to the virtual platform. RESNET has seen higher turnouts for this event digitally than we ever did in-person before. This aligns with RESNET’s initiative to provide quality education and networking opportunities through an inclusive and accessible lens. o This makes the conference accessible to the entire rating industry. The attendees will not have the increasingly expensive costs of air travel, hotels and other related travel expenses. o If one cannot or prefer not to travel, the person can still “meet” with thousands of like-minded professionals from the comfort of their own home or office o Our network and affiliated industries will have year-round access to new cutting-edge educational content each year, as well as an archive of previous years’ content. o Education and the ability to obtain 18 professional development credits will be affordable and easy to obtain no matter where you are in the country (or the world!) o Increased collaboration with affiliated industries to promote and educate on initiatives that are shaping the building performance world. o RESNET’s 2021 and 2022 virtual events have received outstanding evaluations from participants. o RESNET’s Annual Building Performance Conference will take place virtually in February 2023 In-person “LEADERSHIP FORUM” events will be held in different regions of the United States with focused topics that will allow our network to engage and learn from the world’s best experts on the most critical opportunities readied for the HERS® Rating Industry. While we all have various areas of expertise, leadership does not exist within a vacuum. The following categories have been identified as subjects that the LEADERSHIP FORUMs could address: o HERS® Raters and Energy Code Compliance o HERS® Raters and Climate Challenge o HERS® Raters the Water Crisis o Energy Policy o HERS® Ratings and the Financial Market Leadership Forums planned for 2022 and 2023: o RESNET Texas HB 3215 & HERS® Raters Energy Code Compliance Leadership Forum October 12-14, 2022 Objective: Texas House Bill (HB) 3215, recently adopted in 2021, updated the state’s universal energy code compliance pathway to allow builders to use the HERS® Index code compliance. This represents new opportunities and will shape the future of local building performance. Discussion and education at this event will focus on code compliance, how it will impact the home industry, and how efforts can be made to scale this opportunity nationally. Key Audience: Texas builders, Raters and RFIs, grassroots advocates, code officials, and high-performance building suppliers o RESNET Leadership Forum on HERS® Raters and the Water Crisis TBD; Spring 2023 Objective: Water resources are becoming increasingly strained in many parts of the country and water prices are increasing faster than energy prices. California and other western states are facing a serious water drought. This is increasingly becoming an urgent necessity, especially for residential homes in drought-susceptible areas. RESNET’s HERSH2O Index is accessible in all 50 states, and it is more imperative than ever to have dialogue around these challenges. Key Audience: Builders (especially in drought and drought-risk climate areas), California Raters, Raters and RFIs, water districts and water-efficient suppliers o RESNET Leadership Forum on HERS® Raters and Climate Challenge TBD; Fall 2023 Objective: Building decarbonization is critical if we hope to meet the climate goal of reducing U.S. emissions by well over half by 2030. RESNET has recently released an ANSI standard on how to calculate the carbon impacts of an individual house or building, known as the RESNET “CO2 Rating Index”. Beyond this exciting milestone, more thought leadership and implementation is needed to scale and accelerate our efforts. In particular, considering the increasing role of carbon in ESG goals and policy. Key Audience: Builders, HERS® Raters and RFIs, environmental organizations, policymakers and representatives of the financial market. The past few years have required us all to be flexible, agile, and innovative to adapt to our new reality. Change can be challenging, but we are very excited to navigate this new format together and bring unparalleled networking, education, and fun into these events for our network. Be sure to RSVP for the first Leadership Forum event in Texas this October; the schedule and registration will be coming soon!