The keynote speaker at the 2013 RESNET Conference is a unique individual within the sustainability arena. Ron Jones is an internationally renowned pioneer of the green building movement. He is an award winning builder, architectural designer, and the only person ever to serve on the national Boards of Directors for both the U. S. Green Building Council and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Ron Jones is the founder of GREEN BUILDER®, co-founder of Green Builder Media LLC and Editorial Director of Green Builder Magazine. He is a Life Director and former National Vice President at the NAHB. Ron Jones’ 2013 RESNET keynote speech will focus on the future of green building. Ron Jones was named charter chairman of the NAHB Green Building Subcommittee for two years and remained on another eight years as a committee member. He also co-chaired the inaugural National Green Building Conference, the most successful start-up conference in the organization’s history. Simultaneously, he served on USGBC’s steering and development committees for LEED for Homes from 1999 to 2007. In 2007, Ron was named to serve as Chairman of the Consensus Committee seated jointly by NAHB and the International Code Council (ICC) to develop the original version the National Green Building Standard, ICC-700, which received ANSI approval in January of 2009. Subsequently, Ron was privileged to be the only builder selected by ICC to serve on the Sustainable Building Technology Committee, charged with producing the working draft for the IgCC, the International Green Construction Code. Ron is co-founder and president of Green Builder Media, the leading media company in the sustainable development and green building industries. Their flagship publication, Green Builder Magazine, which was launched in 2006, became the largest publication (by circulation and distribution) in the building industry in just three years and remains the authoritative voice for the sustainable built environment. Ron has delivered presentations and training at conferences and events in 49 of the 50 states and on four continents, and is recognized for his “take no prisoners” style throughout the green building and sustainable development sectors, through speaking at live events around the country, and the writings in his monthly column, From the Tailgate, and his thought-leadership blog, The Gatekeeper. His message has been described as “the balance of passion and reason”. He is an uncompromising and authentic voice for environmental stewardship, social responsibility, sustainability and green building. The 2013 RESNET Conference is the national “not-to-miss” conference on green building. Register today at 2013 RESNET Conference and take advantage of the “early bird discount” registration.