The 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference will take place on February 27 – March 1, 2013 in Orlando, Florida. The RESNET Conference has become the national “not to miss” event focusing on building energy performance, home energy ratings, building science and business development opportunities. The 2013 RESNET Conference provides a special opportunity for home energy raters and the building performance industry. In 2013 RESNET is joining with the Air Conditioning Contractors of America and the Indoor Air Quality Association in co-hosting the Indoor Environment & Energy Exposition (IE3). This presents a unique opportunity to expand one’s knowledge base and network with HVAC contractors and indoor air quality professionals. IE3 will offer over 1,200 exhibits that will cover the fields of home energy performance, HVAC systems and indoor air quality. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest information in the home energy rating, building performance, HVAC and indoor air quality fields and develop new partnerships. Register for the 2013 RESNET Building Performance Conference today at 2013 RESNET Conference Exhibiting at the IE3 Expo will expose your company not only to the traditional RESNET Conference attendees but HVAC contractors interested in expanding into the retrofit market and indoor air quality professionals. Don’t miss this opportunity to show case your products and services. For more information on exhibiting go to IE3 Expo