RESNET and its strategic allies have been working hard on the introduction of legislation in Congress that will finance improved home energy performance. These efforts have been successful on the introduction of bills that create tax federal performance based tax credits, on-bill financing for rural electric cooperatives and modify mortgage financing and appraisals to account for improve energy performance. The conference will offer a series of sessions that will explain the initiatives and how the building performance can be effective in making its voice heard in getting the legislation moved. The sessions are: The SAVE Act – Mainstreaming Building Performance into the Mortgage and Appraisal Industry – Presenters: Robert Sahadi, IMT and Ken Gear, Leading Builders of America A broad coalition of home builders, environmental and energy groups and RESNET is advocating for the proposed legislation the “Sensible Accounting to Value Energy Act (SAVE Act). The legislation would modify the guidelines for mortgage underwriting by allowing for a value-added adjustment based on a home’s energy features. This session will introduce the provisions of the SAVE Act and explore the implications to the builders and the building performance industry. Energy Improvement On Bill Financing for Rural Electric Cooperatives – A Time That Has Come – Presenter: Brian Cavey, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association There has been legislation introduced in Congress that would have the U.S. Department of Agriculture provide no interest financing to rural electric cooperatives to provide low interest financing of energy improvements to member homes which would be repaid through the electric bill. The legislation would require an pre and post energy audit by a certified professional. This session would introduce the legislation and explore the implications to the building performance industry and how members of industry can become involved in advocating passage of the legislation What’s Going On – Legislation to Provide Financing for Improving Building Energy Performance – Presenter: Carl Chidlow, Cardenas Partners This session will explore the bills aimed at giving consumers access to affordable financing and will discuss how the building performance industry can make its voice heard in Congress on these key issues. The 2012 RESNET Building Performance Conference is a not-to-miss event.