RESNET-ANSI Historical Information Proposed Standards and Amendments Previously Out for Public Comment Standard 301 2025 Edition Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-202x Update Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ACCA/ICC 310-202x Update 2022 Edition Draft PDS-03 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x, Revise and Update ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202x, Revise and Update ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-202X, Revise and Update ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 2022 Edition Addenda Addendum A Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A, RECs Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum A, RECs Addendum B Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum B, CO2e Index Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum B, CO2e Index Addendum C (New Project) Draft PDS-02, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Update Addendum C-202x Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum C-202x, Interim Updates. Addendum C (Discontinued Project) Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum C-202x, Interim Updates Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum C-202x, Interim Updates Addendum D Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum D-202x Addendum E Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Addendum E-202x, CFIS Systems. Addendum F Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Update Addendum F-202x 2019 Edition Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-201x, Revise and Update Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-201x, Revise and Update Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-201x, Revise and Update Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 2019 Edition Addenda Addendum A Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum A, Dishwashers, Clothes Washers and Clothes Dryers Addendum B Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum B, Clarifications, HVAC Quality Installation Grading, and Dehumidification Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum B, Clarifications, HVAC Quality Installation Grading and Dehumidification Addendum C Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum C-202x, Defaults for Duct Leakage to Outside Addendum D Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum D-202x, CO2 Rating Index Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum D-202x, CO2 Rating Index Addendum E Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum E-202x, Appendix A Update 2014 Edition Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Energy Performance Ratings Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Energy Performance Ratings Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Energy Performance Ratings 2014 Edition Addenda Addendum A Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum A-201X, Domestic Hot Water Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum A-201X, Domestic Hot Water Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum A-201X, Domestic Hot Water Addendum B Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum B-201X, Innovative Design Requests Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum B-201X, Innovative Design Requests Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014, Addendum B-201X, Innovative Design Requests Addendum C Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum C-201X, Whole-House Mechanical Ventilation Addendum D Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum D-202x, Adopt Standard 380-2016 Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 Addendum D-202x, Adopt Standard 380-2016 Addendum E Draft PDS-05, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum E-201x, Index Adjustment Factors Draft PDS-04, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum E-201x, Index Adjustment Factors Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum E-201x, Index Adjustment Factors Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum E-201x, Index Adjustment Factors Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum E-201x, Index Adjustment Factors Addendum F Draft PDS-04, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum F-201x, Normative Appendix A Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum F-201x, Normative Appendix A Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum F-201x, Normative Appendix A Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum F-201x, Normative Appendix A Addendum G Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum G-20xx, Solid State Lighting Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum G-20xx, Solid State Lighting Addendum L Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum L-201x, Duct Leakage to Outside Test Exception Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum L-201x, Duct Leakage to Outside Test Exception Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum L-201x, Duct Leakage to Outside Test Exception Addendum N Draft PS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum N-201x, Normative Appendix B MRF Draft PDS-01 Addendum R Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum R-201x, Threshold Inspections Addendum T Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum T-201x, Thermal Distribution System Efficiency (DSE) Addendum K Draft PDS-01 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum K-20xx, Roof Solar Absorptance Test Draft PDS-02 BSR/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum K-20xx, Roof Solar Absorptance Test Standard 380 2025 Edition Draft PDS-02, RESNET/ICC 380-202x Update Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 380-202x Update 2022 Edition Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202x 2 Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202X Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202x Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-202X 2022 Edition Addenda Addendum A Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-2022 Addendum A-202x, Reference Standards Addendum B Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 380-2022 Addendum B, CFIS Systems Addendum C Draft PDS-02, RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Update Addendum C-202x 2019 Edition Call for Comment on Limited Substantive Changes on Approved ANS, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019 Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Revisions to Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Revisions to Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-201x, Revisions to Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 2016 Edition BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-20XX PDS-03 (Preliminary Draft Standard)- Standard For Testing Air Leakage Of Building Enclosures, Air Leakage Of Heating And Cooling Air Distribution Systems, And Airflow Of Mechanical Ventilation Systems BSR/RESNET/ICC 380-20XX PDS-02 (Preliminary Draft Standard)- Standard For Testing Air Leakage Of Building Enclosures, Air Leakage Of Heating And Cooling Air Distribution Systems, And Airflow Of Mechanical Ventilation Systems BSR/RESNET 380-20XX PDS-1 (Preliminary Draft Standard)- Standard For Testing Air Leakage Of Building Enclosures, Air Leakage Of Heating And Cooling Air Distribution Systems, And Airflow Of Mechanical Ventilation Systems Standard 310 2025 Edition All drafts currently in development. 2020 Edition Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ACCA 310-20xx, Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ACCA 310-201x, Standard for Grading the Installation of HVAC Systems Standard 1201 2021 Edition (Reaffirmed 2021) BSR/RESNET 1201-202x, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Model Calibration Methods 2016 Edition BSR/RESNET 1201-2016, Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Model Calibration Methods Standard 850 2025 Edition All drafts currently in development. 2020 Edition (Note: Standard 850 started development as 1101 but was redesignated before ANSI final action.) Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 850-202x Update Draft PDS-02, RESNET/ICC 850-202x Update Draft PDS-03, BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x, Water Rating Index Draft PDS-02, BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201X, Water Rating Index Draft PDS-01, BSR/RESNET/ICC 1101-201x, Water Rating Index Standard 1450 Draft PDS-01, ICC/RESNET 1450-202x Remote Virtual Inspections RESNET-MINHERS® Historical Information Proposed MINHERS® Standards Previously Out for Public Comment Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 81, Adoption of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Supplement Draft PDS-02 MINHERS Addendum 75, Update Chapter 9 QA Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 82, DX AC/HP Modeling Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 77, Integrated Heat Pump Water Heaters Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 67, Chapter 1 Update Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 80, Graded Field Evaluations, Probationary Ratings and Probationary Models Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 75, Update Chapter 9 QA Draft PDS-02 MINHERS Addendum 78f, Single Family Sampling Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 76, Adoption of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2022 Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 79f, Informative Note Correction Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 78f, Single Family Sampling Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 74, Space Constrained AC Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 73f, Remote Proctored Exams Draft PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 72, File and Field QA Draft PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 62f, Provider Disciplinary Actions and Appeals Procedures Draft PDS-03, MINHERS® Addendum 68, HERS® Modeler Professional Development Course Requirements Draft PDS-02 MINHERS® Addendum 68, HERS® Modeler Professional Development Course Requirements Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 67, Chapter 1 Update (Comment opens June 27, 2023) Draft PDS-02 MINHERS® Addendum 71f, SEER/HSPF2 Conversions PDS-03 MINHERS® Addendum 66f, CO2e Index PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 68, HERS® Modeler Professional Development Course Requirements PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 69, Combustion Safety Training for RFI Certifying as HERS® Rater PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 71, SEER2/HSPF2 Conversions PDS-02 MINHERS® Addendum 66f, CO2 Index PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 66f, CO2 Index PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 65f, Third Party EEP HERS® Ratings and RECs Ownership PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 63, Training Period Expiration PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 64f, Multi-Family Dwelling Unit Sampling Exception & Puerto Rico Testing Exception Extension PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 61f, COVID-19 Pandemic Exception for Onsite Airtightness Tests PDS-02, MINHERS® Addendum 60, Combustion Safety Field Training PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 60, Combustion Safety Field Training PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 59, Modeling Skills in HERS® Rater Capabilities and Recertification PDS-02 MINHERS® Addendum 58, Pre-Drywall Inspections QA PDS-01 of proposed MINHERS® Addendum 58 Pre-Drywall Inspections QA PDS-02, MINHERS® Addendum 56, HERS® Modeler QA PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 56, HERS® Modeler QA PDS-02, MINHERS® Addendum 54, HVAC Systems Installation Grading QA PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 54, HVAC Systems Installation Grading QA PDS-02, MINHERS® Addendum 53f, Modifications and Clarifications for Implementation of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 PDS-01, MINHERS® Addendum 53f, Modifications and Clarifications for Implementation of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 PDS-03, MINHERS® Addendum 52f, Rater and RFI Eligibility Requirements for HVAC Installation Grading PDS-02 of proposed MINHERS® Addendum 52f Eligibility Requirements for HVAC Installation Grading PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 52f: Rater and RFI Eligibility Requirements for HVAC Installation Quality Grading PDS-02 of proposed Addendum 50: HERS® Modeler PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 50 – HERS® Modeler PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 49f – Credits for HVAC Installation Quality Grading PDS-02 MINHERS® Addendum 48f, COVID-19 Pandemic Exception for Onsite Airtightness Tests PSD-01 MINHERS® Addendum 48f – COVID-19 Pandemic Exception for Onsite Airtightness Tests PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 47f, Exception for Ducts in Conditioned Space PDS-01 of proposed Addendum 46: Sampling Draft PDS-01, MINHERS Addendum 46, Sampling Update (Comment opens July 24, 2023) PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 45 – Chapter 2 Updates PDS-01 of proposed MINHERS® Addendum 45 Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Updates PDS-02, MINHERS® Addendum 37, QAD, Provider and Training Provider Disciplinary Actions PDS-01 MINHERS® Addendum 37 – QAD Disciplinary Actions PDS-03 of proposed Addendum 34: QA Data File Adopted 2022 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards Addendum 66i – Interim Addendum, CO2 Index – Authorized March 4, 2022 Addendum 65i – Interim Addendum, HERS® Ratings for Third Party EEPs, RECs Ownership Status, MF Ratings – Authorized January 31, 2022 Addendum 64f – Multi-Family Sampling – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 64i – Interim Addendum, Multi-Family Sampling – Authorized January 3, 2022 Addendum 63 – Training Period Expiration – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 60 – Combustion Safety Field Training – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 61f – Exception for Onsite Leakage Testing During COVID-19 Pandemic – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 58f – Pre-Drywall Inspection QA – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 56 – HERS® Modeler QA – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Addendum 54 – HVAC System Installation Grading QA – Mandatory July 1, 2022 Adopted 2021 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards Addendum 61i – Interim Addendum, Exception for Onsite Leakage Testing During COVID-19 Pandemic – Authorized October 19, 2021 Addendum 52f – Eligibility to Grade HVAC Systems – Mandatory July 1, 2021 Addendum 55i – Interim Addendum, Modifications and Clarifications for Implementation of ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 – Authorized January 22, 2021 Addendum 45 – Chapters 1 & 2 and Appendix B 2020 Updates – Mandatory July 1, 2021 Addendum 37 – QAD, Rating Quality Assurance Provider and Training Provider Disciplinary Actions – Mandatory July 1, 2021 Adopted 2020 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards Addendum 47i – Interim Addendum, Test Exception for Ducts in Conditioned Space, Authorized April 5, 2020 Addendum 48i – COVID-19 Pandemic Exception for Onsite Airtightness Tests – Authorized April 20, 2020 Adopted 2019 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2019. The key to the success of the rating industry is setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 43 – Implementation of MINHERS® Standards – Mandatory January 1, 2020 Addendum 30- Quality Assurance – Mandatory July 1, 2020 Addendum 36 – Rater Recertification and HESP Elimination – Mandatory July 1, 2019 Addendum 41f- Final Addendum, “Tropical Climate Zone” and “Living Space” Definitions; Time-limited Leakage Testing Exception for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands – Mandatory July 1, 2019 (replaced Addendum 41i) Addendum 42 – Adoption of Standards ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019 and ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019 – Mandatory July 1, 2020 Addendum 41i- Interim Addendum, Time-limited Leakage Testing Exception for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands – Mandatory March 21, 2019 Adopted 2018 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2018. The key to the success of the rating industry is setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 40f- Final Addendum, Ethics Appeal Panel – Mandatory January 20, 2019 (replaced Addendum 40i) Addendum 39- Non-Measured Ventilation Airflow and Ventilation Fan Wattage Defaults – Mandatory July 1, 2019 Addendum 32f- Final Addendum, MINHERS® Standards Revisions and Amendments – Mandatory January 1, 2019 (replaced Addendum 32i) Addendum 29- Quality Assurance Designee – Mandatory January 1, 2019 Addendum 40i- Interim Addendum, Ethics Appeal Panel – Mandatory October 26, 2018 Addendum 35 Software Accreditation – Mandatory November 11, 2018 Addendum 33 Practical Experience for QAD Certification – Mandatory September 8, 2018 Addendum 31f- Final Addendum, Chapter 2 Rescind Rater Simulation Practical Test for Certified Raters – Mandatory April 12, 2018 (replaced Addendum 31i) Addendum 32i- Interim Addendum, Chapter 5 Addendum Effective Dates and Transition Period – Mandatory February 5, 2018 Addendum 27- HERS® Scope, Definitions and 4 Story Dwelling Ratings – Mandatory February 14, 2018 Adopted 2017 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2017. The key to the success of the rating industry is setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 31i- Interim Addendum, Chapter 2 Rescind Rater Simulation Practical Test for Certified Raters – Mandatory December 11, 2017 Addendum 28i- Interim Addendum, Appendix B Confirmed Threshold Rating Definition – Mandatory June 28, 2017 (Replaced by ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014 Addendum R-2018) Addendum 26- Chapter 1, 2 & 3 CAS Hazard, Probationary Ratings and Reference Standards – Mandatory January 1, 2018 Addendum 25f- Final Addendum, Chapter 2 Recertification – Mandatory April 28, 2017 (replaced Addendum 25i) Addendum 25i- Interim Addendum, Chapter 2 Recertification – Mandatory February 7, 2017 Addendum 24- Chapter 2 Training and Certification – Mandatory February 16, 2017 Addendum 19f- Final Addendum, Chapter 2 Rating Field Inspector Evaluation – Mandatory February 16, 2017 (replaced Addendum 19i) Addendum 23- Chapters 2 & 3 Reference Standards and Scope – Mandatory February 16, 2017 Addendum 22- Chapter 1 Software Accreditation – Mandatory February 16, 2017 Addendum 21- Chapter 1 Rating Software Changes (Persistence) – Mandatory February 16, 2017 Adopted 2016 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2016. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 20- Adoption of Standard ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2016 and Addenda – Mandatory January 1, 2018 (Adopted Nov 2016 and Mandatory Compliance delayed until Jan 2018.) Addendum 19i- Interim Addendum, MINHERS® Chapter 2-2013 Addendum x-2016 Rating Field Inspector Evaluation – Mandatory October 25, 2016 Addendum 18f- Final Addendum, Ethics Appeals -Mandatory October 15, 2016 (replaced Addendum 18i) Addendum 17f- Final Addendum, Ratings of Energy Star Certified Multi-Family Dwelling Units in 4 & 5 Story Buildings and Innovative Design Request Definitions – Mandatory July 28, 2016 (replaced Addendum 17i) Addendum 18i- Interim Addendum, Ethics Appeals – Mandatory June 14, 2016 Adopted 2015 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2015. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 17i- Interim Addendum, Revision for Ratings of Energy Star Certified Multi-Family Dwelling Units in 4 & 5 Story Buildings and Innovative Design Request Definitions – Mandatory December 4, 2015 Addendum 16f- Final Addendum, Revision of Effective Dates for Raters Passing The Rater Simulation Practical Test – Mandatory November 14, 2015 (replaced Addendum 16i) Addendum 16i- Interim Amendment, Revision Of Effective Dates For Raters Passing The Rater Simulation Practical Test – Mandatory June 5, 2015 Adopted 2014 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2014. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Rescinded: Revision of Table 802.1 Temperature Correction Factors for Pressurization and Depressurization Testing- Calculated according to ASTM E779-10 – Not Mandatory Addendum 15- Revision of Onsite Quality Assurance Reviews – Mandatory July 1, 2015 Addendum 14- Revision on Assessment and Certification of Rating Field Inspectors – Mandatory for New Candidates July 1, 2015; for Currently Certified RFI- January 1, 2016 Addendum 13- Revision to RESNET CAZ Standards – Mandatory December 31, 2014 Addendum 12- Revision of Petition for Stay of Action and Revision to RESNET to QA Provider Challenge the Findings of a RESNET Quality Assurance Review – Mandatory November 7, 2014 Addendum 11- Revision to Multifamily Rating Quality Assurance Reviews – Mandatory October 24, 2014 Addendum 6-Revision to RESNET Quality Assurance Standards – Mandatory October 17, 2014 Addendum 10- Removal of References to Comprehensive Home Energy Raters and Building Performance Auditors – Mandatory September 28, 2014 Addendum 9- Revision to RESNET Energy Smart Education and Qualification Provider Accreditation – Mandatory September 18, 2014 Addendum 8- Revision to RESNET Rater Training and Certification Requirements – Mandatory August 30, 2014 (with exceptions for certain sections, See Addendum text) Addendum 7- Revision to RESNET National Rating Technical Standard – Mandatory November 29, 2014 Adopted 2013 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments to the National Home Energy Rating Standards that were adopted by RESNET in 2013. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Addendum 5-Revision of RESNET National Building Registry – Mandatory September 28, 2013 Addendum 4-Revision of RESNET Discipline and Appeals Procedures Addendum 3-Incorporation of RESNET National Building Registry – Mandatory September 8, 2013 Addendum 2- Revision of Gas Leakage Testing Standard Addendum 1-Revisions to RESNET Training and Certification Standard Adopted 2012 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2012. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Calculation of Retrofit Energy Savings Adjusting Instanteous Water Heater Efficiency Correction to Chapter 8’s calculation of Specific Leakage Area (SLA) RESNET Standard for EnergySmart Projects and EnergySmart Contractors Revision of Confirmed and Projected Rating Definitions Definition of “Shall” Adopted 2011 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2011. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Revising RESNET’s Economic Cost Effectiveness Calculations for Fannie Mae Energy Efficient Mortgages Lighting, Appliance and Miscellaneous Energy Usage Profile Amendment Chapter Eight “RESNET Standard for Performance Testing and Work Scope Enclosure and Air Distribution Leakage Testing” Auxiliary Electric Energy of Ground Source Heat Pumps Adopted 2010 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2010. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Revision of Quality Assurance Standard Innovative Design Amendment RESNET National Home Energy Audit Standard Amendment Adopted 2009 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2009. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Auxiliary Electric Energy of Ground Source Heat Pumps Rater Trainer and Quality Assurance Designee Professional Development Certified Home Energy Rater Professional Development Rating Field Inspector Knowledge and Skills Set Rating Provider Quality Assurance Designee Continuing Education Adopted 2008 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2008. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: RESNET National Home Energy Audit Amendment Revision of Sampling Label Disclosure Amendment Revision of Roof Reflectivity Amendment Revision of Lighting Definition Amendment Revision of RESNET National Home Energy Audit Standard Adopted 2007 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2007. The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments adopted are: Amendment Revision of F-Factor Equation Amendment Revision of Roof Reflectivity Amendment Revising Revision of RESNET Standards Amendment Revising Insulation Inspection Requirements Amendment Revising Calculation of Energy Efficient Mortgages Adopted 2006 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The following are the amendments of the National Home Energy Rating Standards adopted by RESNET in 2006. key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry. The amendments being proposed are: Amendment Rater Categories of Certification Amendment Rating Provider Disciplinary Action Amendment Revising Index Scores for Rating Star Designation Amendment Rater Training Provider Accreditation Process Amendment Standard Editorial Corrections Amendment Quality Assurance Designee Delegation Amendment Rating Provider Accreditation Process Amendment Sampling Standard Adopted 2005 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The key to the success of the rating industry is to setting and implementing the standards for quality of rating services. Having technically sound and up-to-date standards enhances the credibility of the entire rating industry and provides greater confidence in the rating services. In 2004 RESNET adopted a set of comprehensive enhancements to its rating standards. Since the enhancements were adopted a number of changes have taken place that effect building performance. These changes includes the new proposed 2006 ENERGY STAR for Homes guidelines and passage by Congress of tax credits for residential energy efficiency. In addition it was discovered that there was a need to tweak some of the provisions of the enhancements. For this reason a set of amendments are being proposed to the national home energy rating standards. There are two main categories of amendments that were adopted: enhancements to the technical guidelines and a modification to the rating quality assurance provisions. The most significant change is changing the current rating score to a “HERS® Index” where a score of “0” equates to a net zero energy home and a score of “100” equates to the HERS® reference home. 2005 Adopted Amendments Amendment TECH-2005-01: Discontinue Use of the Classic HERS® Score Amendment TECH-2005-02: Modify the Expanded Score to Account for Total Home Energy Use Amendment TECH-2005-03: Amend the List of Minimum Rated Features to Include the Expanded Score Items Amendment TECH-2005-04: Update the “a” and “b” Coefficient Values Proposed Amendment TECH-2005-05: Update the ANSI Standard Referred to in Measuring Floor Dimensions to ANSI Z765-2003 Amendment TECH-2005-06: Update mechanical ventilation specifications Amendment TECH-2005-07: Ceiling Fan Ratings Amendment TECH-2005-08: Specifications for Vented Crawlspaces in the Reference and Rated Homes Amendment TECH-2005-09: Modify the HERS® Score Calculation and Change its Nomenclature from “HERS® Score” to “HERS® Index” Amendment ADMIN-2005-1: Effective Date of Chapter Three, RESNET Standards Amendment QA-2005-1: Quality Assurance of Raters That Complete a Small Volume of Ratings Annually Adopted 2004 Enhancements to National Home Energy Rating Standards The RESNET Standards Drafting Committee was appointed in 2001 with the approval of the RESNET Board of Directors to review RESNET’s Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards and draft proposed amendments to the standard. After three years of research, deliberations, vetting and public review, the committee developed a set of enhancements to the national rating standard developed by the committee. The enhancements were endorsed by the RESNET Board of Directors and adopted by the Standards Revisions Committee on December 23, 2004. The Revisions Committee is composed of three representatives of State Energy Offices and three representatives of the rating industry. The adopted enhancements to the national home energy rating standards were developed through a three-year process included: Publicly soliciting recommendations for proposed changes to the standard in 2001 A consensus process in which the drafting committee reviewed and developed the proposed amendments An aggressive vetting and robust education effort to obtain input from the key stakeholders of rating services. The education effort included presentations to the National Association of Home Builders Energy Subcommittee, RESNET Conference, EEBA Conference, and Affordable Comfort Conference and numerous articles in RESNET Notes, Home Energy Magazine, and Energy Design Update. An industry education effort took place after the amendments were drafted and before the public comment process. The proposed amendments and their justifications were posted on the RESNET web site 30 days prior to the public comment process. A major emphasis of the 2004 RESNET Conference was to educate the industry on the proposed amendments. Break-out sessions were dedicated to the proposed amendments that would have the greatest impact on the rating industry and a half day general session was dedicated to a forum on the proposed amendments. In the general session, every proposed amendment was presented and conference participants were allowed to express their views. A 75 day public comment period followed the education effort. The comment period was extended by 15 days upon the request of the National Association of Home Builders. A seven month review period followed, where the drafting committee carefully reviewed every comment received and made necessary changes to the amendments based upon the comments. This effort included consultation with key experts such as Gary Nelson of the Energy Conservatory, Hank Rutkowski with ACCA, and interest groups such as the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association. The result of this process is a set of enhancements to the national home energy rating standards that solve many known issues with the existing standard, are technically defendable, and do not present an undue burden on the rating industry or the clients of its services. The result enhances the credibility of our industry by moving the industry into the 21st century and setting high standards of quality. To review the 2004 enhancements to the national home energy rating standards click on Adopted Enhancements to the Mortgage Industry National Home Energy Rating Standards. 2002 National Home Energy Rating Standards RESNET Mortgage industry National HERS® Standards 2002 RESNET-Non-ANSI Historical Information Proposed Non-ANSI Standards Previously Out for Public Comment Standard 1550 Draft PDS-01 RESNET 1550, Embodied Carbon Standard 1580 Draft PDS-01, RESNET/ICC 1580-202x Update