RESNET® Professionals Career Path


As traditional college education becomes more expensive and the jobs and salaries of college graduates decline, there is a better option. A career in the trades as a RESNET professional can clearly set an individual up with a promising future, devoid of enormous debt, in an industry that offers long-term gainful employment in our current environment of the biggest housing shortage in history.

RESNET professionals work with the Home Energy Rating System (HERS® Index), created by RESNET as the national standard by which a home’s energy efficiency is inspected and rated. RESNET’s industry-leading standards are recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Internal Revenue Service, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and many other federal state, and local government agencies and programs for nearly 3 decades.

Below are some career path options, within RESNET®, and in other parts of the home performance industry.

Download the infographic here.

RFIs conduct field inspections and necessary basic performance tests (air tightness and duct leakage) to produce a home energy rating. Many RFIs go on to pursue HERS Rater certification.

HERS Modelers conduct the modeling and analysis using accredited HERS® Software Tools. The certification is similar to the current Rating Field Inspector certification for field inspection and testing.

HERS Raters inspect, test, and evaluate a home’s energy features, prepare a home energy rating, and make recommendations for improvements that will save the home buyer energy and money.

QADs work within a Quality Assurance Provider organization, by reviewing and validating the work of HERS Raters and RFIs in assessing a home’s energy features and preparing a home energy rating.

QADs must be previously certified as HERS Raters and pass the RESNET Quality Assurance Designee competency test.

RESNET HERS Raters or Rating Field Inspectors (RFIs) who work on ratings that show credit for HVAC grading must earn this designation.

RESNET Home Energy Raters and Rating Field Inspectors can conduct HERSH2O ratings after completing the online HERSH2O Rater Training.


Becoming a WaterSense Home Verifier requires completion of the HERSH2O Rater Training and viewing the WaterSense Version 2 video.

Developed via a partnership between RESNET and the International Code Council (ICC). Must be a current RESNET HERS Rater or Rating Field Inspector (RFI) and hold the Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner Certification (79).

Phius Raters are responsible for 3rd party quality assurance, on-site inspections, and performance testing throughout the construction process and at final construction. Phius Certified Rater training builds on the foundation and concepts delivered in RESNET HERS Rater training.

Phius Certified Verifiers deliver on-site quality assurance and oversight for large-scale residential and non-residential passive building projects.

RESNET is a Home Certification Organization for ENERGY STAR.

HERS Raters interested in certifying ENERGY STAR Homes must first take an ENERGY STAR Homes training through a RESNET Accredited Training Provider.

RESNET is a DOE-approved Home Certification Organization (HCO), offering home certification for the Zero Energy Ready Home Program (ZERH), nationally, through our network of thousands of certified HERS Raters.

Indoor airPLUS is a voluntary partnership and labeling program that helps new home builders improve the Indoor Air Quality by requiring construction practices and product specifications that minimize exposure to airborne pollutants and contaminants. The Indoor airPLUS Home Energy Raters and Providers Partnership is for companies that verify and label Indoor airPLUS qualified homes.


LEED-certified homes are designed to provide clean indoor air and ample natural light and to use safe building materials to ensure occupant comfort and good health. They help reduce occupant energy and water consumption, thereby lowering utility bills each month.

A LEED credential denotes proficiency in today’s sustainable design, construction, and operations standards.

  • Green PRO designation recognizes a professional with expertise in sustainable buildings and general knowledge of the NGBS Green program.
  • Green Field Reps serve as independent, in-field representatives of Home Innovation’s NGBS Green Certification program under accredited NGBS Green Master Verifiers and provide infield verification for projects seeking certification.
  • Green Verifiers serve as independent, in-field representatives of Home Innovation’s NGBS Green Certification program.
  • Green Master Verifier accreditation is designed exclusively for accredited Verifiers with significant green building knowledge and applied experience in verification for NGBS Green compliance.